9 Terms to Know Before Going to the Dentist?

Have you ever gone to the dentist and felt like they were speaking another language to you with the terms they were using? If so, it will help to know what some of those terms mean so you can have a better conversation with your dentist. 1. Abscess If your dentist says you have an abscess, this means that there is an inflamed part of your gums that is infected and has pus inside it. Read More 

Tips For Selecting The Right Kind Of Dental Implant

Have you decided to get a dental implant to fix teeth that are missing? If so, you might be surprised to learn that there is more than one type of dental implant that you have to pick from. Here is what you should know about the three types of implants so you can make a well-informed decision. A Single Implant A lone implant is used in a situation where you are only missing one tooth in a part of your mouth. Read More 

Four Ways For You To Get Whiter Teeth

Do you have a single tooth that is darker than the rest or teeth that are looking a bit yellow in general? If so, you will likely be seeking out professional help to whiten your teeth. Here are some options that can help you get the smile that you have wanted for quite some time. Professional Laser and Gel Whitening Is your problem that your teeth are a bit stained? Then you will be better off with professional whitening to improve the color of your teeth. Read More 

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Missing teeth can be embarrassing and result in a significant loss of self-confidence. Lost teeth cause people to stop smiling or to start trying to hide their smile in public. What might seem like an innocent gesture at first can have serious ramifications when it comes to feelings of self-worth. This is especially true for adolescents. In fact, one study found that dental disorders have a profoundly negative impact on the psychosocial behavior of teenagers. Read More 

How Dental Implants Improve Older Adults’ Ability To Speak

As people age and lose teeth, they will experience a variety of problems that can make their lives more difficult. For example, losing too many teeth can make a person's speech very garbled and hard to understand. This situation can be very frustrating and emotionally difficult, but dental implants can help to ensure that this concern doesn't become a real problem. Why Clear Speech is So Critical Speaking clearly is important because it helps to make communication easier and more accurate. Read More