If you are looking at dental insurance for you or your family but don't think you can afford a plan, you may want to look at Medicaid dental coverage. Here are some questions you might have about Medicaid dental coverage.
Who Can Get Medicaid Dental Services?
Every state has its own laws concerning Medicaid, so you will have to check your state's laws to see who is eligible. Medicaid often provides low-cost, or free, dental care to the following:
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Single mothers trying to take care of a child have to work hard to set a great example for their child. For example, they need to do what they can to model great dental behaviors that help a child not only keep their teeth healthy but also react well to their first trip to a family dentist.
Setting an Early Precedent Helps Children With Dentists
Young children often don't quite know why dental care is so important.
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Dental checkups and regular oral healthcare is an important part of keeping your body in good health. The health of your overall body is tied closely to the health of your teeth and gums, and starting the habit of good oral health and your body's overall health starts when you are young. For this reason, it is essential that you start your children off with good oral health and dental practices.
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Even though various treatments for tooth replacement exist, natural teeth are still the best teeth to have. Many people know this and get shocked when their dentists suggest a tooth extraction. However, there are good reasons why a dentist may advocate for tooth extraction. Below are some of those reasons.
Extreme Tooth Damage
Various forms of dental treatments are available for those with damaged teeth. Dental bonding and even the use of crowns and veneers can help.
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Making the switch from full-sugar sodas to sugar-free ones might seem like a good choice to make for your family. And you're partially right; cutting down on sugar in your family's diet can be good for your family's teeth. However, if you're still sipping soda on a regular basis, damage may still be done. Here's what you need to know about this damage.
What Causes It
There are a few factors at work in the average soda that can cause problems for your teeth and gums.
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