What To Expect When Getting A Crown

Dental crowns are a standard dental restoration procedure that can help fix damaged teeth. If your dentist has recommended a crown for your tooth, you may be unsure what to expect from this treatment process. 

When Should A Patient Consider Having A Crown Placed On Their Tooth?

A dental crown is essentially a thin but strong covering that goes over your existing natural tooth to correct your tooth's shape, strength, and appearance. A crown fully encases the visible part of your tooth above the gum line and acts as a new outer layer. A properly fitting and well-maintained dental crown can last for over a decade before needing to be replaced.

A dentist might recommend a dental crown to restore damaged or decayed teeth, and this is especially common when there is not enough healthy enamel remaining to support fillings. For these teeth, a crown may be the only way to save the tooth from having to be removed.

Are There Differences In The Types Of Dental Crowns That Are Available?

The most commonly used materials for making crowns are metal, porcelain fused to metal, and ceramic. Metal was once one of the most popular choices before more aesthetically pleasing options emerged. However, they tend to be reserved for back molars due to their exceptional durability against chewing forces. Ceramic crowns are made entirely of porcelain and mimic your teeth' natural color and translucency. This is easily among the most aesthetically pleasing options. As a result, it is commonly used for highly visible teeth. Your dentist can work with you to find the option to provide the cosmetic benefits you need while still within your budget.

What Is Getting A Dental Crown Like?

A crown placement will almost always involve two appointments. The first is where measurements will be taken to ensure the crown perfectly fits the tooth. This involves taking an impression of the damaged tooth by pressing a soft material into your mouth. You will also need temporary protection over your tooth until your permanent crown is ready. Generally, this is done by applying a temporary crown on the damaged tooth.

After the crown is ready, you will return to the dentist's office so it can be applied. This quick process may only require removing a thin portion of the enamel to make space for the crown. Luckily, this is not a very uncomfortable or painful procedure, which can limit any recovery that is needed. You may have some mild tenderness the day after the placement, but this should not cause significant disruptions.

Contact a local dental lab to learn more.
