The Right Implants Based on the State of Your Jawbone

Dental implants serve as strong foundations for tooth-replacement applications. An implant, which replaces the root of a lost tooth, can be covered by a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

The stabilization of the implant is due to its placement in the jawbone. After the dentist inserts the implant into the bone tissue, a healing process called osseointegration begins. During this process, the bone tissue grows around the implant, filling any spaces between the jawbone and the device. Nevertheless, the bone of the jaw has to be healthy and thick enough to receive the implant. Multiple types of implants are available based on the state of the jawbone.

Here are a couple of jawbone conditions and the types of implants that may be suitable for them.

Healthy, Thick Jawbone

A standard dental implant is suitable for insertion into healthy, thick bone tissue. The length and girth of the device are easily supported by the thick bone material. If a prolonged amount of time has not transpired since the loss of a tooth, the jawbone is likely to be thicker. The bone's girth is supported by the production of new bone cells. This production occurs in response to stimulation that is provided by the teeth. As you chew, the teeth transfer stimulating pressure to the bone. The jawbone may also be thicker if a bone graft has been applied to thicken weak or atrophied areas.

Thin or Atrophied Bone

If your jawbone is not strong enough for a standard dental implant, you still have a few options to consider. 

1. Mini Implants

If the jawbone is thinner than normal, it may be unable to support a standard implant. However, a mini dental implant can often be used instead. The mini implant has a similar design to the standard implant. However, its length and girth are much smaller. As a result, it does not require the same jawbone thickness for its placement.

Although mini implants are smaller, they still provide a stable base for implant-supported restorations. Implant-supported dentures, all-on-4 dental implants, and other applications can still be stabilized by these smaller devices.

2. Zygomatic Implants

Another option for people with reduced jawbone thickness is the zygomatic dental implant. The zygoma is the cheekbone. Zygomatic implants are placed in the bone of the cheek instead of the bone of the jaw. These implants are actually longer than standard implants because they must reach from the cheekbone to the gum line.

To learn more about dental implants that may be suitable for you, schedule a consultation with services like Dr Taylors Family Dental Center.
