Why It’s In Your Best Interest Not To Ignore Advice To Get A Root Canal

Most people go to their dentists to ensure that their oral health is up to par. They usually do not expect to hear that their dental exams reveal a need for a dental procedure. Root canals are a  common procedure performed by dentists. If a dentist suggests a root canal procedure to you, it likely will not be performed on the same day. Do not make a mistake and assume that you do not need to get the procedure performed.

Overlooking the potential outcomes of not getting the root canal performed may cause problems for you in the long run. Dentists allow patients to schedule certain procedures separate from their examinations. This is beneficial to patients because they can take care of objectives such as scheduling time off from work if needed and make transportation arrangements if certain medications or anesthesia are administered. The following points will help you understand some serious complications you could face if you do not get a root canal as recommended.

Worsened Condition

Certain oral situations may not get worse over time or their effects may be minimized with lifestyle changes. This allows individuals to decide whether or not they want to remedy situations with dental interventions or cope with them. Unfortunately, a tooth that requires a root canal will not get better by ignoring that an issue exists. It will worsen over time without the procedure. Even if there are not any signs of problems, the issue will fester underneath the surfaces of the gums and tooth root. 

Infection Risks

The root canal procedure involves removing dead tissue and bacteria. If the procedure is not performed, the bacteria and infection can spread beyond the site. This can allow them to enter the bloodstream. Serious and sometimes fatal consequences can occur in what may seem like a short span of time. However, this is usually the result of not heeding a dentist's advice to get a root canal or skipping and avoiding routine dental exam appointments. 


Individuals who need root canals may initially experience intermittent pain. The severity of the pain may range from dull to significant. Toothaches are often the reason that individuals who need the procedure end up going to a dentist. Upon examination of the reported issue, dentists can discover what is causing the tooth pain. Since the pain may not be constant, some individuals may dismiss the seriousness of their toothaches. Individuals who ignore subtle and intermittent pain will likely eventually experience toothaches that do not go away or respond to pain relief techniques. 
